Wednesday, October 28, 2015


the first system to use protocol that shaped the internet to what it is today is reffered to by its creators as "that of a cluster of cities in communication with one another, while a computer by itself is much like a city developing by itself." They say this because the point of the internet to them was to have a system where communities can share knowledge effectively and easily to ultimately create a better society through the sharing of knowledge. This is a great development, now more than ever people can share and find knowledge at there finger tips. In fact, if you could draw out the internet, it would very much look like a brain. Little nodes that are connected to every other node in the system. Also, the internet is its own ecosystem, evolving with changes outside and through time. This was all possible because of IMPS, also know as Interface Message Processors. They are basically very primitive routers that allowed computers to send data efficiently. 

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